“I have worked with a number of market research firms and the best all seem to give me very similar results. What I didn’t know until recently, was that in many cases the actual research and work was subcontracted to MarketLab. In the end I just bypass the middleman and work directly with the best data research firm I’ve ever worked with: MarketLab.”

Study Designs

At MarketLab we focus on quantitative market research methods for brand valuation, consumer insights, consumer segmentation, product development, and more.

Brand Valuation

Advertising Awareness & Tracking

Brand Equity & Brand Awareness


Consumer Insights

Usage & Attitudes (U&As)

Path to Purchase Research

Consumer Segmentation

Product Development

Concept Testing

Customer Satisfaction

Features Testing

Flavor Testing

Line Optimization

Message Testing

Package Development & Testing


Product Messaging & Claims Testing

Product Testing & Taste Testing

Website Usability

Marketing Models

Discrete Choice Models

Maximum Differential


Van Westendorp Pricing Elasticity

Research Methodologies

Online Surveys

Telephone Surveys

In-Home Usage Test (iHUT)

Mall/Store Intercept

Focus Groups

Central Location Testing

Omnibus Surveys


Study Designs

Advertising Awareness & Tracking

Brand Equity & Brand Awareness


Usage & Attitudes (U&As)

Path to Purchase Research

Consumer Segmentation

Concept Testing

Customer Satisfaction

Features Testing

Flavor Testing

Line Optimization

Message Testing

Package Development & Testing


Product Messaging & Claims Testing

Product Testing & Taste Testing

Website Usability

Discrete Choice Models

Maximum Differential


Van Westendorp Pricing Elasticity

Online Surveys

Telephone Surveys

In-Home Usage Test (iHUT)

Mall/Store Intercept

Focus Groups

Central Location Testing

Omnibus Surveys


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